August 2, 2024
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This article was originally published August 1, 2024 on Hgraph.
One common thread among all Hedera enthusiasts is a sense of curiosity and imagination. An appreciation for the unique, quirky and innovative qualities of the network and its technology. We all share similar moments about how we discovered Hedera in our collective story.
However, there's another side to this ongoing story that’s just as fascinating. Most folks aren’t aware of this “other half” of the Hedera network, but when they learn about it, that same curiosity is sparked all over again. We’re talking about mirror nodes, where everything we do on Hedera is stored. This shared curiosity and power of imagination is at the heart of Hgraph’s mission.
Since 2008, public crypto networks have promised transparency. On Hedera, this promise is upheld by mirror nodes. While the Hedera community frequently discusses the “writing” of transactions into the network via consensus nodes, this article will focus on the "other half" of Hedera.
Let's dive into why mirror nodes are so important, their role in the Hedera network, and why support for this infrastructure is essential as we get ready for a new era of growth in the industry.
Do you think you know everything about what makes Hedera unique? Think again.
In the rapidly evolving world of crypto, Hedera stands out with a design that separates transaction validation and data retrieval into two distinct types of nodes: consensus nodes (write) and mirror nodes (read). In crypto, this is an incredibly unique architecture and it ensures Hedera remains scalable, performant, and secure. While consensus nodes validate and write transactions to the ledger, mirror nodes provide crucial read-only access to historical data. These are the two halves.
Often overlooked, mirror nodes are an aspect of Hedera that might actually hold the most exciting possibilities for builders and enthusiasts. Even if you aren’t a developer, there’s plenty to get excited about when exploring mirror nodes.
The separation of read and write transactions in Hedera’s architecture offers several advantages that set it apart from other public Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs):
It’s pretty neat huh? Just like how we get excited about ABFT, carbon neutrality, low fixed fees, TPS and fair ordering, mirror nodes are yet another breakthrough and unique aspect of Hedera that many folks haven’t considered. Truly, untapped potential.
This separation not only improves efficiency but also ensures a smoother, more reliable user experience for enterprise, retail, developers, degens and everyone in between.
Mirror nodes are like dedicated data managers for the Hedera network and providers like Hgraph offer services (like APIs) to make the data easily accessible. Mirror nodes handle and store dozens of terabytes of historical data, making it easy to look up past transactions and other information.
Here’s a simple breakdown of how they work:
To ensure they operate efficiently, mirror nodes use several techniques:
By using strategies like this, mirror nodes ensure the Hedera network runs smoothly, efficiently, and securely, providing reliable, trusted access to historical data for all users.
You’ve probably interacted with multiple mirror nodes today.
Imagine using your favorite Hedera wallet, like HashPack, to check your transaction history, verify token transfers, view your NFTs, or see your token balances. The seamless experience you enjoy is powered by mirror node providers like Hgraph. In essence, mirror nodes are the key to an excellent user experience on Hedera .
Beyond wallets, mirror nodes support a wide range of applications, here’s a few use case examples:
Without mirror nodes, these applications would struggle to provide the responsive and reliable user experiences that users expect. It would also place a huge burden on the applications to manage the data themselves, incurring higher costs and more overhead.
Despite their importance, mirror nodes often lack the necessary support and funding. Mirror node providers can face high operational costs and limited visibility, making it challenging to sustain and expand their services. Storing and managing dozens of terabytes of data with high transaction rates can be costly, and without adequate financial and technical support, the sustainability of mirror node infrastructure is at risk.
As you’re reading this, it might seem like this “other half” of the network has been somewhat neglected with users experiencing glitches, slowdowns and errors during high traffic moments. As more community members discover this other side of Hedera, they quickly realize that mirror nodes hold many of the solutions to the problems we face.
An interesting question to ask is, “would the Hedera network work without mirror nodes?” The short answer is yes, but the long answer further illustrates how important mirror nodes are. Without mirror nodes, Hedera might look something like this:
Consensus nodes would be overwhelmed, handling both transaction processing and data retrieval and unable to provide full historical data on demand. This dual burden would lead to slower transaction confirmations, increased latency, and reduced scalability. The user experience would suffer, and the network could become congested, making it less attractive when compared with other networks.
Now, it’s important to point out this is a purely hypothetical scenario, but it illustrates how mirror nodes are a secret to Hedera’s speed, stability and scalability. This decision to have two distinct node types for read and write transactions was truly a stroke of brilliance that we have yet to fully appreciate.
Hgraph is a startup poised for significant growth, yet it is already a leader in providing robust mirror node services within the Hedera ecosystem. By operating reliable and efficient mirror node infrastructure, Hgraph ensures that developers, enterprises, wallets like HashPack, and other stakeholders have the necessary data access for regulatory compliance, data analytics, and decentralized applications (dApps). Despite their critical role, mirror nodes often lack visibility and support, a gap that Hgraph is determined to bridge. Hgraph’s journey is one of resilience and innovation, setting the stage for new, major contributions to the Hedera network.
"In 2022, we started hosting a mirror node to help a small community of Hedera developers gain better access to network data. Coming from a DevOps and Infrastructure background, this has been our way of participating in the network and contributing to the varied use cases teams bring to the network using our nodes. Over the last few years, our user base has grown, and the amount of data produced by the Hedera network has increased significantly. We’re happy to continue offering robust, data-driven solutions for the most enthusiastic developers in the Hedera network."
— Tyler McDonald, CEO at Hgraph
Hgraph stands out with several unique aspects:
Most importantly, Hgraph understands the key to re-defining the mirror node business is embracing the Hedera community and raising awareness for this “other half” of the network. For Hgraph, this is about turning basic infrastructure into beloved products and services.
Increasing support and awareness for mirror nodes will have a positive impact on the Hedera ecosystem, ensuring sustainable growth, enhancing network performance, and fostering innovation. By supporting mirror nodes, we unlock new opportunities for data-driven applications and advanced analytics. Making it easier to access useful information from the network allows everyone to stay aligned with our shared objectives.
This is a call to action for all HBARbarians.
This network relies on mirror nodes to function smoothly. Mirror nodes are one of the most exciting and unique aspects of Hedera and we’re not really talking about them as much as we should. So it's time to rally together and support this crucial infrastructure by raising awareness!
Much the same we raise awareness for verticals like DeFi and NFTs or network features like ABFT and carbon negativity, we can raise awareness for mirror nodes. Supporting mirror nodes isn’t just about maintaining the network; it’s about ensuring that users enjoy the best possible experience and discovering new ways we can scale and grow Hedera.
And, as it turns out, this “other half” of the network is incredibly co´ol and fascinating. You’ll find so many incredible things to explore as you fall down the mirror node rabbit hole!
HashPack is best in class when it comes to writing transactions into the network and Hgraph is best in class when it comes to reading transactions from the network. This fresh, holistic approach to the crypto user experience offers a glimpse into what the future holds for Hedera.
The excitement and curiosity surrounding mirror nodes is already growing. Data accessibility in crypto is a broad challenge, but it’s yet another challenge that Hedera is uniquely positioned to tackle head-on. It all comes back to the original promise of crypto: transparency.
So with this fresh outlook, community support and attention to detail, Hgraph is on a mission to transform this complex mirror node infrastructure into beloved products and services. Hgraph plans to launch a completely reimagined account dashboard and new tools so stay tuned to their channels for more updates and early access opportunities.
Check out some of these resources to continue your journey into the “other half” of Hedera: