HashPack blog

Hedera Hashgraph Virtual Meetup

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This virtual event was originally published on the official Hedera Meetup group.

Hedera Hashgraph Virtual Meetup
January 26, 2022
6pm EST • 11pm UTC

Online event

For this meetup, we are excited to be joined by the HashPack team, May Chan, their CEO, Tyler Coté their CTO, and Nick Hanna, their CISO. They’ll be giving us a technical overview of all the amazing things they have built and what’s on their roadmap.


  1. HashPack intro – Who we are, brief team introduction, summary of what we're going to talk about.
  2. Tech stack – General overview of technologies used, reasons for using Angular, how we utilize mirror nodes, etc.
  3. HashConnect overview – How we structured HashConnect (Waku nodes), why WalletConnect didn't work/what makes Hedera different than blockchains.
  4. Security considerations – XSS protection, Cryptography and how we secure keys.
  5. Roadmap – Now, Next, Future.
  6. Closing remarks
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