HashPack blog

HashPack on Hedera

Article by

May Chan

At HashPack, we've always been committed to providing the best possible user experience for Hedera network users. As the leading Hedera-native non-custodial wallet, we've had the privilege of being at the forefront of the growth and development of the Hedera network.

Performance Demands of a Leader

We’ve come a long way from our humble beginnings of inviting our first test users on Discord to try out our app. Three years after our inception we now have over 250,000 accounts and more than 4 billion $HBAR held in HashPack wallets. We’ve grown with the retail community, been at the front lines during the boom of the NFT scene in 2022 and the rise of tokens in 2023. HashPack is known for its intuitive and easy to use interface and its consistent reliability.

A large part of this performance is the technology of Hedera itself. It boasts the capability of processing 10,000 transactions per second, with the asynchronous Byzantine Fault Tolerance consensus mechanism reaching finality in 3-5 seconds. All of this at incredibly cost efficient fees that make it an attractive platform for users and enterprises alike.

These features allow HashPack users to enjoy seamless interactions with various DeFi applications, NFT marketplaces, and all the great things coming from our ecosystem. There is an abundance of blogs and technical documentation for readers who want to learn more, but suffice to say HashPack wouldn’t be the same on any other L1.

"Hedera’s participation in Linux Foundation’s Decentralized Trust will undoubtedly accelerate development, enhance security, and foster unprecedented collaboration within the Hedera ecosystem, positioning it at the forefront of blockchain innovation. As the leading wallet on the network, HashPack is committed to playing an active role in this new open source structure, and we look forward to contributing our expertise to help shape the future of Hedera and the broader decentralized technology landscape."

May Chan, CEO, HashPack

An Open Source Hedera

One of the key factors in our team’s decision to build on Hedera is how accessible Hedera's Javascript SDK is. Being able to interact directly with the network using Javascript has allowed us to develop a highly performant application that leverages the full potential of the Hedera network.

Hedera has always made an effort to make building on the platform as accessible as possible for developers. The code for the hashgraph has been open source since 2022, with ample documentation for builders, and developer advocates hired to provide direct assistance to teams. HashPack has developed a close relationship with the Hedera team, participating in their HIP (Hedera Improvement Proposal) processes and providing our feedback.

With Hedera transitioning to an open source model under the Linux Foundation we anticipate even greater collaboration among developers, companies, and institutions to come about. This collaborative environment will accelerate innovation and allow the network to develop the critical features and functionality that builders and developers need most.

As a key player in the Hedera ecosystem, HashPack is committed to taking an active role in this new open source structure. We look forward to contributing our perspective and expertise to help shape the future of Hedera.

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